When you first sign into My LifeJars, these videos pop up on the relevant page and can be closed or ‘not shown again. Turn on and off the pop-ups from the bottom of the dashboard.
Take a quick look at the features of My LifeJars including; how to fill Jars with content, edit your profile, build a Tribe, how to create another person’s Life Profile or Legacy and how to manage your My LifeJars Account.
Find out how to use the 5 Memory Jars to capture memories over a lifetime to format life stories; Childhood, Teenager, Young Adult from 20 to 29, Adult from 30 to 64 and Later Life from 65 years old.
Take a quick look at the features of My LifeJars including; how to fill Jars with content, edit your profile, build a Tribe, how to create another person’s Life Profile or Legacy and how to manage your My LifeJars Account.
Watch this video on the 8 Password Jars with prompt to store passwords and login details; Email Accounts, Social Media & Gaming, Tech & Devices, Stores & Utilities, Banking & Finance, Official & Government, Business Essentials, and ‘other’.
Find out how to start to building a Tribe by inviting family & friends and others to become your My LifeJars Tribesters.
Take a look at how to edit a My LifeJars Profile, and what information to add to manage your Life Profile & future Legacy.
Find out how to start to upload a profile image to your Life Profile, by selecting an image uploaded to the Memory Jars.
See how to add Guardians. Guardians are the people that help manage your Life Profile and when the time comes, transition you Life Profile into your Legacy, you can decide what they can manage now in life, or in the future.
See how to Create a Life Profile for another person like a child, or a parent. You are their Guardian and they are you Ward.
Find out how to create a legacy of a person. You can create a legacy from the start or transition a person's existing life profile if you are the Guardian of it.
Have fun creating an online Pet Profile for you pet. See how easy this is to keep all your pet's information in one place.
See how to create a pet legacy for your fury, hairy or scaly friend,
Find guidance on how to create a My LifeJars account, install My LifeJars on different devices for easy access and how to switch on 2 Factor Authentication.