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Passwords & Snippets

Are you stuck in "The Keyring Conundrum"?

Don't get locked out of your own digital life!

A picture of a man at a computer and holding a mobile phone in his hand A picture of a man at a computer and holding a mobile phone in his hand

Ever felt like you're playing a never-ending game of 'Guess Who?' with your own passwords?

Or perhaps you're the "forgot password" link's biggest fan?

And how often do you find yourself wrestling with the autosave feature on Google Passwords, or digging around for those backup numbers to regain access to Microsoft & Facebook? What fun will your trusted helpers have if they need to step into your shoes!

Welcome to "The Keyring Conundrum" - where managing your digital access feels just a bit too much like a bad sitcom.

Privacy is a fundamental human right 
~ Tom Cook, CEO of Apple 

What About Your Circle of Trust?

Every Day and in Emergencies

Text in a box with Sticky Notes Unstuck and Paper Pile Peril Text in a box with Sticky Notes Unstuck and Paper Pile Peril
Box with words Email Attachment Abys Box with words Email Attachment Abys
Text box with words Digital Document Dilemma Text box with words Digital Document Dilemma
Text image with words Multiple Systems Maze Text image with words Multiple Systems Maze

Managing passwords and important snippets isn’t just a personal task...

It’s a lifeline for daily operations and emergency situations alike

Imagine the hassle if someone close to you needed to step into your digital shoes today! How much fun would your trusted helpers have, wrestling with your complex web of online accounts?
Think about your parents, who might frequently struggle to remember their passwords, requiring your assistance regularly. 
Or consider your adult children—what if they faced an unexpected situation?
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail
~ Benjamin Franklin, 18 Century US Visionary

What About Your Circle of Trust?

Every Day and in Emergencies

Text in a box with Sticky Notes Unstuck and Paper Pile Peril Text in a box with Sticky Notes Unstuck and Paper Pile Peril
Box with words Email Attachment Abys Box with words Email Attachment Abys
Text box with words Digital Document Dilemma Text box with words Digital Document Dilemma
Text image with words Multiple Systems Maze Text image with words Multiple Systems Maze

Managing passwords and important snippets isn’t just a personal task...

It’s a lifeline for daily operations and emergency situations alike

Imagine the hassle if someone close to you needed to step into your digital shoes today! How much fun would your trusted helpers have, wrestling with your complex web of online accounts?
Think about your parents, who might frequently struggle to remember their passwords, requiring your assistance regularly. 
Or consider your adult children—what if they faced an unexpected situation?
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail
~ Benjamin Franklin, 18 Century US Visionary

Taming Your Wild Digital Life

Sorting out your Keyring Conundrum

Common Symptoms You Might Recognise
Resetting your password more often than you change your socks
Using your pet’s name as your go-to "secure" password.
Scrambling to find sticky notes or a scrap of paper that you scribbled a number on.
Mistakes That You May Have Made
Relying on your overloaded brain to remember every login detail.
Using "password123" because 'password' was already taken.
Skipping updates for your browsers & apps, which include security patches.
Attempts to Fix That Haven’t Worked
Using the same old passwords with a new number tacked on the end.
Keeping a 'secret' notebook that’s not so secret (or so organized)
Creating passwords based on easy-to-guess patterns (like "asdf1234" or "qwerty").
Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing
~ Warren Buffet, Investment Guru

Let’s Get You Organised And Get Your Keys Organised

Stored and Protected

If your daily logins are turning into a laughable loop of lockouts, don’t fret. Secure and organise your digital keys today with a reliable place to store all your access credentials, even your library card PIN!
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