During this free challenge you'll receive resources & prompts from our creator, Suke to record one memory each day and begin protecting your life story
Discover tips & tricks on how to convert old photos to digital files to add to your memories.
Day 3: Love for your pets
Tell the tales of a cat, dog, horse or any other pet that has been or still is part of your life.
Day 4: Joy of Your Friends
Capture all the fun days and adventures you shared with your childhood friends.
Day 5: Capture your careers through the years
If you've loved or hated your jobs, record this big part of your life.
Day 6: How to make your stories compelling to read
Learn some easy techniques to help make your digital journal interesting and write about a recent experience or event using them.
Day 7: Your first true love
Write from the heart about the joy and sorrows of your first love.