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Journal & Preserve Memories to Start Protecting Your Life Story Challenge
Are you going to let your story crumble & vanish? 
 Do you really trust others to paint a picture of your life? Be the keeper of your own unique story and leave your experience and wisdom for family and friends and those yet to come! 
Begin to capture the moments, treasure the memories & start to protect your life story.
FREE 7-Day Challenge
 Start Today!
 New encrypted storage methods like a My LifeJars journal allow us to honour the sweetness and milestones of lives, share secrets with some and not others, and leave life stories to be read long after we've gone. 
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ~ Maya Angelou
Don't let Stories disappear

During this free challenge you'll receive resources & prompts from our creator, Suke to record one memory each day and begin protecting your life story

During the challenge you'll get to:
Discover how My LifeJars formats a muti-media journal to tell a compelling story that family, friends & future generations will adore.
Record memories from your childhood, recounting your first true love and family gathered together for a special day.
Start sorting through old handwritten journals, diaries and any scribbles that are important and make sure they are captured for good.
Choose and upload photos, voice notes and video clips so memories build into a story that can be listened too and watched. Find out how to digitise printed photos and video tapes.
Decide who to share each memory with and when, using the Secret Keeper & Time Lock features.
Share your growing story online and let others add their recollections to your memories. 
At the end of the challenge you'll be able to opt for all 7 prompts to be accessible for good and  build on your momentum by continuing with our Golden Story Builder 52 Memory Prompts for a year!
YES, I'm Ready to Start to Protect My Life Story!
Experience peace of mind knowing your memories are safe, protected & can be thoughtfully shared.
Preserve Moments & Memories
During the challenge we will be using the FOREVER FREE My LifeJars Account
My LifeJars makes it quick for you to capture your memories and your life story can be easily displayed in an attractive online format or viewed & printed as a book. To upload voice notes & video clips there is an option to upgrade to My LifeJars Gold.

Unsure where to start or how to format life stories? 
We’ve got you covered!
Collate and present your story in a beautiful way as a gift for family, friends & future generations.
Join our Creator Suke for 7 days of recording memories designed to kickstart protecting a  life story!
Here’s What to Expect:
 Day 1:  The story of your childhood
Start at the beginning with the era you were born into and a summary about your early years.

Day 2:  Say it with pictures  

Discover tips & tricks on how to convert old photos to digital files to add to your memories.

Day 3: Love for your pets
Tell the tales of a cat, dog, horse or any other pet that has been or still is part of your life.

Day 4: Joy of Your Friends
Capture all the fun days and adventures you shared with your childhood friends.

Day 5: Capture your careers through the years
If you've loved or hated your jobs, record this big part of your life.

Day 6: How to make your stories compelling to read
Learn some easy techniques to help make your digital journal interesting and write about a recent experience or event using them.

Day 7: Your first true love
Write from the heart about the joy and sorrows of your first love. 

Immortalise the memories that matter most, and rest assured that wisdom will be around for centuries to come.
Helping someone else?
It's best to have them set up their own My LifeJars account and give you access to their Memory Jars. Alternatively, you can create a Life Profile for them in your account. Don’t worry, our tutorials will guide you both through the process. (Found in the menu)
With My LifeJars, protect stories one memory at a time. Save experiences, thoughts & feelings and let unique stories live on after you're gone.
Join the Free 7-Day Challenge Now
 Enrich your memories by adding photos, voice notes and short videos to make your story dynamic and interesting to view.
Challenge Starts Tomorrow!